#1 Kuwait City in Kuwait


The Middle East is famous for having very extreme temperatures, even in winter. This is particularly the case with Kuwait City considered the hottest city in the world for many people.

Temperatures very regularly approach 50 degrees Celsius without ever really falling and can go up to 52.1 degrees in the middle of July . Spending the summer there therefore requires being prepared and favoring air-conditioned places. However, if you are looking for a winter destination, Kuwait can therefore be a good option because you will never be cold.

#2 The city of Ahvaz in Iran

It is undoubtedly a hottest city in the world that we had to add to the selection. Between sandstorm, polluting emissions from factories and boiling temperatures, there is no doubt that you are in Ahvaz, Iran.

Here, do not expect temperatures below 50 degrees when it is summer. We were also able to observe a thermostat at 53.7 degrees in June 2017. For the rest of the year, you can have temperatures around 33 degrees without any problem.

#3 The city of Dallol in Ethiopia


Direction to -130 meters above sea level, in the city of Dallol in Ethiopia, to obtain temperatures averaging 35 degrees Celcius throughout the year . The warmer months will see the thermostat climb to 46.5 degrees without much difficulty.

A climate which nevertheless remains very classic for the Danakil desert where the city and its very famous site are located. The latter was once very popular with nomads but due to global warming, it has become almost impossible to get there.

#4 The city of Jizan in Saudi Arabia

Located not far from the Red Sea, the city of Jizan in Saudi Arabia is often called the hottest city in the world with its temperatures ranging between 31 and 46 degrees Celcius throughout the year with a record set at 46.3 degrees.

Fortunately, many beaches with crystal clear waters and fine sand will be there to refresh you and bring down the temperature.

#5 The city of Rub al-Khali in Saudi Arabia

Back in Saudi Arabia with the city of Rub al-Khali . In addition to being the largest expanse of desert in the world, its extreme temperatures put it directly on the list of the hottest city in the world.

It has temperatures ranging from -10 degrees Celcius in winter to 60 degrees Celcius in summer . This explains why its name translates to ”  Empty Quarter” so difficult it is to live there and to get there. Its area is also 1000 kilometers long and 500 kilometers wide with a small part located in Yemen, Oman and the United Arab Emirates.

#6 The city of Las Vegas in the United States


Known worldwide for its unmissable buildings and its many casinos, Las Vegas is also one of the cities where it is hottest all year round.

If you want to go there, prepare for temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celcius in July/August with a record already recorded at 48 degrees Celcius. It is therefore very easily understandable to want to stay in casinos to enjoy cold cocktails and air conditioning.

#7 The city of El Azizia in Libya

If El Azizia can be part of our selection of the hottest cities in the world, this is not always the case, depending on the season. It is still necessary to count between 40 and 45 degrees Celcius in summer and start the day with a good 35 degrees.

A record was also recorded in September 1922 with temperatures of up to 57.8 degrees Celcius for the city of El Azizia. This will be the highest temperature observed on Earth.

#8 The city of Tirati Zvi in ​​Israel


It’s no secret that Israel is one of the hottest countries in the world. This is particularly due to the city of Tirat Zvi , located in the Beit-Shean Valley, which has a temperature record of 53.9 degrees Celsius recorded in 1942 .

We can explain such temperatures by its geographical location since it is at -220 meters above sea level, well below sea level.

#9 The city of Timbuktu in Mali

With mercury reaching 54.4 degrees Celcius , Timbuktu can easily be part of our selection of the hottest cities in the world.

Located in the north of Mali, the city is notably classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO thanks to its historical and intellectual treasures which it keeps very preciously. It was also for a long time nicknamed the intellectual and spiritual capital of Africa.

#10 Australia’s Badlands Town


Finally, I could not finish my selection without naming the city of the Badlands which is in Australia. It is also very aptly named “bad land” since it is desert and it is impossible to come and live there .