Welcome to my travel blog. I present to you here in this mini-travel guide, the blue city of Rajasthan by giving you ideas of what to do in Jodhpur. You will also find my favorites as well as some practical information to help you organize your stay in Jodhpur.

I will not go through 4 paths, my trip to India was destabilizing . Chaos, filth, poverty, that I expected. Being used to traveling in Asia, it was not much different than elsewhere, only a few notches above, let’s say. It is especially the gaze of men that I found particularly difficult to manage. After my visit to Delhi and Bikaner, I went to Jodhpur to stay there for 3 days. The blue city showed me another side of India. Without really knowing why, I felt safer there and I started to appreciate my trip more.

Today, when I think back to my trip to Rajasthan, it is mainly the city of Jodhpur that makes me want to set foot in India one day. The mere fact of getting lost in its small winding streets to observe the local life and the colorful houses of Jodhpur is worth the detour in this particular city. Many find it too noisy, with no other interest than its blue-tinted houses. Personally, it’s the atmosphere that I liked, that little je ne sais quoi that makes you feel good somewhere and that you want to linger there. It’s probably also the meeting with this young girl who invited me to her house to tattoo my hand with henna that allowed me to gain confidence and let myself go a little more. In short, Jodhpur has a very precious little place in my heart, just behind the small town of Bundi.


The blue city of Jodhpur

Jodhpur's outdoor market

What to do in Jodhpur?

Take a Cooking Class in Jodhpur

I’m particularly in love with Asian food, so it always goes without saying that I take a cooking class when visiting a new Asian country. India was certainly not going to be an exception to the rule! With all the spices found in Indian food, I really wanted to learn more and make sure I created more authentic meals when I got home. I was walking by chance in the streets around the Clock Tower when I came across a spice shop run by a very nice Indian woman. When she informed me that she was giving private cooking lessons, I immediately jumped at the chance.

I was able to decide with her the day before what I wanted to learn to cook from A to Z. The next day, I met her at 10 am for the start of the course. We spent two hours discussing the condition of women in India and their daily life with her husband and his in-laws. I felt like I was having a special time with her. I left there with a few spices, 5 recipes in mind and a very nice memory.

Address of the spice shop where the cooking classes take place:

Mohan Lal Verhomal
Shop No 209 – B
Vegetable Market, Clock Tower

Cooking Class in Jodhpur

Visit Mehrangarh Fort

When you make a trip to Rajasthan, you cannot miss visiting the Forts and Palaces of the Mahajaras. Personally, the one I found the most interesting and above all the most beautiful is that of Jodhpur. The visit can take half a full day if you linger to visit all the rooms in depth. It is possible to rent an audio guide and I advise you to take it. This makes the visit much more pleasant and you will learn a lot about the life of the Mahajaras.

The view from the Fort over the blue city is sublime. It is at this precise place that one realizes how big and extremely colorful the city is. I suggest you stick around until the sun starts to set, you won’t be disappointed with the show.

To get to Fort Mehrangarh, I used the services of a rickshaw. The driver waited for us during the time of our visit before taking us back to our hotel. If I remember correctly, we had paid 250 rupees.

Entrance fee: 500 rupees


What to do in Jodhpur?  Visit the Fort.

Two Indian women in the Fort of Jodhpur

Visit the Maharaja’s Palace

The Umaid Bhawan Palace, located on the highest hill in Jodhpur, is still inhabited today by the Maharaja and his family and also houses a hotel. It is therefore impossible to visit it in its entirety. Its construction began in 1929 and ended in 1943 and gave work to thousands of workers. To give you an idea of ​​its vastness, the palace has 347 rooms.

I was not well informed prior to my arrival at the Palace and was personally disappointed with the grandeur devoted to the museum. Let’s say that I would have liked to see more. So, if you are in a hurry, in my opinion, this is not the visit to prioritize. On the other hand, to take a break from the chaos of the city, I still enjoyed it. If you like old luxury cars, it is possible to see the Maharaja’s complete collection on site.

Jodhpur Palace

Wandering the streets of Jodhpur aimlessly

It’s always by wandering around without a real destination that I appreciate a city the best. In this way, we understand a little better the daily life of its inhabitants and we often make the best discoveries in my opinion. In Jodhpur, as soon as you move away from the main arteries, life suddenly becomes much more peaceful. The horns are rarer and the women seem to be more numerous. A house door left ajar and you are surprised to quietly observe young children playing among themselves inside. It is these detours in tiny alleys that will have marked me the most in Jodhpur. Take the time to get lost in the blue city, to feel the atmosphere of the city and to soak up as much of it as possible.

What to do in Jodhpur?  Stroll through the alleys

Children in the streets of Jodhpur

Clock Tower and Jodhpur Market

The Clock Tower and Jodhpur Market are located right in the middle of the city. No need to tell you how crowded it is in this place. It is also a fairly touristic place, rare are the travelers who stay in Jodhpur without going through the Clock Tower a few times. I suggest you go there to drink a good lassi or a fresh juice and observe everything that happens around. It’s in places like this that you realize just how colorful and vibrant India is.

If you fancy taking home some spices, this is the place to shop. Just follow the scent. In fact, it was at the Jodhpur market that I found the strongest spices I have in my pantry today. I’m a huge fan of spicy food, so I just had to bring this souvenir home.

What to do in Jodhpur?  Visit the central square

Indian spices at Jodhpur market

The streets of Jodhpur

Practical information for your stay in Jodhpur

Where to sleep in Jodhpur?

During my stay in Jodhpur, I chose to sleep at Yogi Guest House . The main reason for my choice was first and foremost the rooftop terrace which directly overlooked the massive Jodhpur Fort. I recommend this hostel with your eyes closed. The rooms are large and mine even had a balcony. The owner couple is super welcoming and always ready to help you organize your trip. It is about a 10 minute walk from the center of Jodhpur and the prices are affordable. The restaurant offers pretty much the same as everywhere else, but the food is very good.


The view from my hotel in Jodhpur

View from the terrace of my hostel in Jodhpur

The  terrace  of my hostel in Jodhpur

How to get to Jodhpur?

The easiest and cheapest way to get to Jodhpur is mostly by train. And since a train journey is in my opinion a must during a trip to India, I advise you to reach the blue city this way. Jodhpur railway station connects most of the other tourist cities in Rajasthan.

  • For my part, I took the train between Bikaner and Jodhpur and the trip lasted about 5 hours.
  • The journey between Pushkar (Ajmer) and Jodhpur is 4 hours.
  • The journey between Jaipur and Jodhpur is around 5 hours.
  • The journey between Jaisalmer and Jodhpur is around 6 hours.

There are several categories of seats in Indian trains. I have always traveled in AC 2 or AC 3 which were both very decent. Personally, I wouldn’t have been comfortable in the lower classes, but I’ve heard of several travelers who’ve used them with no problem.