Every traveler is charmed by the cultural and historical richness of Denmark, shaped among other things by the legendary Viking culture. You will undoubtedly be seduced by the beauty of the Danish countryside but also by the kindness, sympathy and warm welcome of its inhabitants. Take the time to discover this flat country with 1000 panoramas by renting bicycles and taking the many cycle paths and bucolic roads that run along the seaside. Calm, friendliness, gentleness and dynamism of its capital are the main qualifiers of Denmark.

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ID card

Population: 5.529 million inhabitants Area: 43,096 km² Capital: Copenhagen Language:  Danish Currency: the Danish crown. Regime: constitutional monarchy

Main cities of the country

Copenhagen, Odense, Arthus, Aalborg, Frederiksberg, Esbjerg, Randers, Kolding, Vejle

Jet lag

GMT +0h (winter) +1h (summer)


220V. Same grip as in France



Emergency number

emergencies (fire, police, ambulance): 112

French Embassy in Denmark

Kongens Nytorv 4, DK-1050 Copenhagen K – tel. +45 (33) 670 100; fax +45 (33) 939 752

Danish Embassy in France

77, avenue Marceau 75116 Paris – tel. +33 (0)1 44 31 21 21; fax +33 (0)1 44 31 21 88

When to go / Weather

The climate is relatively the same throughout the year. It is still best to travel to Denmark between May and October, the hottest period. Local events and festivals are an opportunity to visit Denmark.

Budget / Argent

1 Dk = about 0.13 € and 1 € = 7.45 Dk

Credit cards are accepted everywhere as well as travelers checks. Change your euros in exchange offices or in banks.

Accommodation Economic budget: less than 50 €Medium budget: between 50 and 100 €Higher budget: more than 100 €

Catering Economic budget: less than 20 €Average budget: between 20 and 30 €Higher budget: more than 30 €

Unmissable places

Copenhagen: Amalienborg Palace, residence of the royal family located in the heart of Copenhagen. You have to get there before noon to see the changing of the royal guard and the ceremonial ceremony that accompanies it. Stroll on the Stroget, the pedestrian street, in Nyhavn, the old port with colorful houses , in Christiania, the unusual district of the capital, as well as in the many green parks.

Ribe, Denmark’s oldest town, founded in the 9th century. It has beautiful museums dedicated to the ancient Vikings of the region and a beautiful cathedral. You will succumb to the charm of the alleys of the old town where you feel out of time, at the time of the Vikings

Cliffs of the Mons Klint from the top of which you can enjoy a spectacular panorama Egeskov Castle south of Odense and Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød, two exceptional buildings. Denmark is also a paradise for cyclists who come here by the thousands to discover the most beautiful landscapes of Jutland and explore the 12,000 km of cycle paths in the country. Fortunately Denmark has little relief and cycling through it is very pleasant. More information on the website of the Danish tourist office to prepare your holidays, and go to Bikester.frfor cycling equipment.Discover the wild coast of West Jutland with its magnificent dunes and green landscape. Don’t miss the Wadden Sea National Park with its many bird colonies.